What is the frequent flyer program? Web design and hosting for your family, business or non-profit organization. We do it for you! Need
to post some information or photos on the web but do not have access to your
own website, or don't have the expertise. Contact us and we can set it
up for you and host it for as little as $6.00 per month. All you do is
supply the materials or photos. Some examples of uses are listed below,
but what can you think of. Once your items are posted, all you need to do is tell your friends and family to go to alsbowl.com and click on your frequent flyer link. Or start using your web address in your business mailings or newsletter to family members. They can just click and go.
Pricing guidelines: |
Type of web posting |
Fee |
Week |
Month |
Year |
Link only to your own web site |
$2 |
$2 |
$5 |
$25 |
Posting of photo & text spread |
$20 |
$10 |
$15 |
$50 |
Posting of text information only |
$10 |
$5 |
$8 |
$35 |
Come Back Soon or Contact Us Now Email - alan@alsbowl.com Phone - 651-249-8475 (Answering machine available) Thank you for your order! |